

Inspiration durch Identität und Qualität

About 81%
has the number of private schools increased between 1992 and 2017
More competition. More quality?

the quality of education rise thereby?

In the 2017/18 school year, there were 5,839 private schools (general and vocational) in Germany. Approximately one in eleven pupils thus obtain their school-leaving qualifications at a private school.This rapid increase increases the competition between public and private schools. Ideally, this competition is a driving force for schools of all kinds to take meaningful and timely measures to improve the quality of education.Viele Schulen haben gute Ideen, wie sie die Wissensvermittlung verbessern können. In vielen Fällen gelingt es Ihnen aber nicht, Ihre Ideen und Alleinstellungsmerkmale ansprechend und überzeugend zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Darüber hinaus scheitern Optimierungsmaßnahmen oftmals an begrenzten finanziellen Mitteln, einem unkoordinierten Management oder einer Widerstandshaltung gegenüber Veränderungen im Kollegium.We support schools and other educational institutions in meeting these and other challenges. Together, we create individual, inspiring and future-oriented places of learning.

Grants &

In many cases, applications for grants and subsidies fail because the responsible authorities have little or no knowledge of potential funding opportunities and donors. We provide you with an overview of funding pools and sources of funding that you could access in your situation.

We provide you with concepts for a sensible, profitable and sustainable use of the subsidies. We can also provide you with full support in the preparation of budget and business plans.

Furthermore, we are happy to take over the preparation and compilation of all relevant documents as well as the communication with investors and sponsors.

Go ahead
with leading power

In many cases, the appointment of a headmaster is the culmination of a long and successful school career for teachers.

However, teachers are often not sufficiently prepared for their new position. A lack of management experience and a lack of knowledge in staff management, digitisation, communication and process optimisation can quickly have a negative impact on the working atmosphere and the quality of teaching.

Together with you and your colleagues, we develop a functioning management concept and optimize the internal work and communication processes. In addition, we also support you in the digitalisation of your school. Digitalisierung Ihrer Bildungseinrichtung.

4.367 teachers
came to the schools as career changers in the 2017/18 school year
learn to teach

Make the
cross entry work!

The shortage of teachers is too great for it to be filled by future student teachers. As a result, there has been a strong increase in the number of teachers entering the teaching profession in recent years.Many career changers are well-versed in their field, but they often lack pedagogical and didactic experience. We provide both career changers and teachers who have completed teacher training with the technical, pedagogical, didactic and digital knowledge and skills they need to be able to teach tomorrow's lessons today.

in the classroom

The demands that teachers today must meet are higher than ever.

Up to now, a teacher has been able to distinguish himself or herself through professional, pedagogical and didactic competence. Globalisation and digitalisation have led to the fact that teachers also need intercultural and media competences in order to be able to teach a heterogeneous class in a competent and goal-oriented way.

We support teachers in many ways: Together with the teachers, we optimise their teaching design, offering ideal conditions (use of various new media) and noticeably improving the quality of teaching through constructive feedback.

We also support teachers in the form of motivation and learning coaching as well as presentation and lecture workshops.


Here we can help you

Creating learnspaces

Management of your educational institution

Applying for subsidies

Confident in the (digital) classroom

Coaching of career changers

We advise and support you in making your educational institution an inviting and inspiring place of learning where the knowledge of tomorrow is taught today.